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On the forthcoming Pacific Ghost disc, the audio is CD quality. The sample audio below is compressed for streaming via 28.8 modem. Click the Real icon, or image to listen to these narration excepts. Expert commentary by Michael Claringbould, in a discussion with Justin Taylan recorded this year in Canberra, Australia.

The actual CD-ROM contains over 60 minutes of audio commentary including slide overviews and descriptions of interesting details of each photograph and thier historical importance.

On the CD-ROM, you will learn the answers to these and many more questions

Why WWII aircraft had fabric on thier control surfaces.

Why the Ki 61 Tony was often observed in combat with its landing gear lowered

Saftey features of the A-20 designed to protect the crew and the airframe intergrety to survive even the impact of a plam tree at low level!

How Allied RDF (Radio Direction Finders) were faulty and how this contributed to many lost aircraft.

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What Pilots Saw
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 Listen to Audio 1984 Recovery
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Study of Hinomaru

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